Wednesday 18 September 2024

Our biochar park Hiilipuisto trees monitored for 2024 and recent presentations on biochars research

 In September our work has been presented in several national events in Finland, starting with the biochar webinar of The Finnish Association of Landscape Industries (Viherympäristöliitto) on 5th of September. Priit presented there latest updates of biochar research on Finnish agricultural fields as well as on urban trees globally- but of course also the latest information from our #HiiliPuisto, CarbonPark project. As of autumn 2023,  the trees growing in biochar growing media were doing better than the ones in control. Now in this week, we visited the park again with our dream team (Dr. Anu Riikonen and visiting students from UniLaSalle, France: Philibert Henniaux and Guilhem Franque), and recorded both the circumference and height data, but also conducted assessment of general tree vigor and the inclination of them. We were amazed by the rapid growth since last year, some trees had increased the girth by about 5 cm in a single year! We'll soon plot and analyze the results and finalize the report of first five years of the tree growth. Furthermore, yesterday we were happy to present our Hiilipuisto urban test area to 35 horticulture students from Lepaa, Häme University of Applied Sciences, led by Kirsi Mäkinen. These students were also happy to try out some of the measurements on trees and asked many brilliant questions about biochar and urban tree research in general.

Another recent presentation of our (and also general general Nordic) biochar research especially in farm context was held on 12 September in Iisalmi, by Ylä-Savo Vocational College recycling economy project ( It was a nice event offering presentations and live demos on different farm-scale pyrolysis units (both batch and continuous devices by PUHI and SoilCare). We were happy on the many lively discussions and collaborations we made, among others, greenhouse gas researchers from LUKE Maaninka station and Olvi company! The presentations included also latest studies from the Nordics on use of biochar as feed supplement as well as addition to liquid manure tanks- but also on the economics of pyrolysis devices on farm scale and the latest updates from Finnish Biochar Network (part of Bioenergia ry) project on biochar classification in Finnish context. The talks will be available soon from the project website!

Sunday 1 September 2024

Celebrating harvest 2024 of our long-term biochar experiments in Helsinki!

 This week our team worked hard to sample the yield component samples and harvest the plot yields of our long-term biochar experiments in Helsinki. 

As the growing season in Helsinki was very dry, the moisture retention capacity of differently activated biochars had excellent chances to be tested. Indeed, there seemed to be promising results on yield formation, but we can tell more only after full yield component analysis as well as statistical testing. This data is part of doctoral thesis of Samuel Amoah, and we're grateful for all the team members participating this season in field experiments! A shout out to Karel Bartoš, Faiza Enam Binte, Dilruba Yasmin, Kira Eskelinen, Zannatul Ferdous, Cecilia Renvall,  Jasmi Näsäkkälä and Laura Parvila! Next, we're getting into lab analysis!

The traditional AgriChar harvest party occurred this year just few hours after we got the samples to dryer and it coincided with the end of the research visit of Lii Lopp from University of Tartu. Thank you so much Lii for your time with us, we will miss you and look forward to future collaboration! 

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Long-term biochar field experiments In Helsinki. Update 2024.

 Our long-term  biochar field experiments were sown this May to faba beans, we're set to explore the effects differently activated biochars combined with either different fertilizer rates or fertilizer types have on yield formation and nutrient uptake of the crops as well as on greenhouse gas emissions and soil nutrient availability. In Helsinki, where two of our longest running experiments are located, was extremely dry month of May, almost zero rain. This, one one end, allows the moisture-retaining effects of biochars to become more clearer, on the other hand, posed some challenges on uneven germination of some of the plants. 

Thanks to active team on the fields, led by Samuel Amoah, we have succeeded in collecting hundreds of soil, plant and gas samples that we are exploring further in laboratories. Great job everyone, but especially Karel Bartoš, Kira Eskelinen, Zannatul Ferdous, Cecilia Renvall,  Faiza Enam, Jasmi Näsäkkälä, Laura Parvila, Lii Lopp! Looking forward for the harvest!

Thursday 18 July 2024

Inspiring event at Frontiers Planet Prize 2024 in Switzerland!

 An inspiring experience warmly recommended to all scientists working with environment- Frontiers Planet Prize! It's a friendly competition to propose solutions to help the planet remain within the safe operating space of any one or more of the nine planetary boundaries. This year, 475 leading universities participated globally to compete for three prizes of 1M Swiss francs each as adjudicated by a Jury of 100 leading sustainability scientists.

Few weeks ago Priit from AgriChar research group was privileged to join the seminar hosted by The Villars Institute in Swiss Alps and co-represent our winning study on sustainable lake restoration and sediment nutrient recycling ( led by Olga Tammeorg

The thought-provoking presentations by all national champions, supportive and inclusive atmosphere during uncountable free-form encounters, over lunches or hikes to Alps and the chance to interact with bright young students from 40+ countries (they were just 15y old, but impressed with their mature ideas that were extremely well conveyed!) all made this unforgettable experience! Priit was also deeply impressed by live talks from Prof. Johan Rockström, Rashid Sumaila and Jaideep Bansal
, make sure to check out the fascinating projects they work on!

Warm congratulations to this year's International Champions of Frontiers Planet Prize, Jason Rohr, PhD from USA, Pedro Jaureguiberry from Argentina and Prof Peter Haase from Germany, well done!

The call for 2025 Champions is ongoing, until September for institutions (universities) and then by the end of September, individual researchers can submit their papers for the National Championship! Check out for more.

Monday 22 April 2024

AgriChar team involved in winning article for National Champion of Finland for Frontiers Planet Prize 2024

We have fantastic news to share:  our groundbreaking research on sustainable lake restoration, including recycling of lake sediments to agriculture, has just been crowned National Champion of Finland by the prestigious Frontiers Planet Prize! 🌍✨🏆

Our pioneering work introduces a groundbreaking strategy designed to steer our planet back into a safe operational zone, tackling nutrient pollution in our precious lakes head-on. By harnessing cutting-edge, eco-friendly methods that emphasize nutrient recycling, we're not only combating eutrophication but simultaneously striking at the heart of interconnected environmental issues - from curtailing greenhouse gas emissions to preserving biodiversity.

This recognition propels us into the ranks of the 23 National Champions, shining a global spotlight on our efforts in the Planetary Boundaries sustainability science competition. 



Lakes, ensuring food security, the provision of clean water for drinking and irrigation, recreation and biodiversity, have been centers for human life and activities for ages. The provision of these services is, however, dependent on the extent of the water pollution by major nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, i.e. eutrophication.

Eutrophication remains a main cause of water quality impairment in lakes globally. It is commonly recognized by unsightly and smelly scums of the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) on the lake surfaces. These scums can be very toxic (known as harmful algal blooms), causing human health risks and compromising water use for drinking and irrigation. For example, drinking water crisis in Toledo on western Lake Erie (USA) in August 2014 interrupted water supply for about 0.5M people due to the high level of cyanobacterial toxins in finished water. Drinking water crisis in Wuxi (China) in 2007 affected about 4M people. Moreover, degrading blooms lead to oxygen depletion, siltation, massive fish mortality. Further economic losses are caused by high emissions of greenhouse gases (especially, methane) from eutrophic lakes. Over 40% of the world’s lakes (UN, 2021) are impacted. Yet, this value is underestimated, given that water quality remains unmonitored in regions with untreated wastewater. Also, freshwaters have the highest rate of biodiversity decline of all ecosystems. Thus, eutrophication leads to compromised ecosystem service delivery locally and affects economies and social stability globally.

The extent of eutrophication is projected to double in response to climate change and population growth, leading to methane emissions from lakes and reservoirs more than 50% of current fossil fuel emissions. The substantial accumulation of nutrients in watersheds (legacy nutrients) will continue to damage ecological health in lakes for decades to come if left unmanaged. These challenges trigger a need for drastic changes in the existing approaches to eutrophication management.

Sustainable lake restoration is our overarching solution to eutrophication, aiming to improve ecological state while delivering a number of other environmental and socio-economic co-benefits extending beyond the scale of intervention. We are developing numerous tools based on decades of expertise in lake restoration science, in order to reach a synergetic solution that is effective both environmentally and economically and crucially, that supports nutrient recycling, reuse and recovery (circular economy). For example, sediment removal from lakes may decrease nutrient concentrations and cyanobacterial blooms, leading to reduced greenhouse gases emissions, increased amenity and recreation value. At the same time, the sediment removed can be used as a fertilizer, improving situation with non-renewable phosphorus rock (P rock) availability and prices. Very narrow circle of countries control economically reasonably exploitable P stocks, namely Morocco, USA and China, with the latter two having already minimalized the exports. The P rock stocks controlled by Morocco tend to have higher content of cadmium and other heavy metals, but are also affected by the political instability around P-rich Western Sahara (the sole African colony according to UN). The situation with P rock availability and price has only worsened since 2022 with the Russian military aggression on Ukraine and the following sanctions to Russia and Belarus to the point where food security becomes jeopardized globally.

Each lake should be assessed individually to ensure best solution to the lake-specific problems. In general, we promote combined approaches including reduced nutrient inflow from catchments as well as in-lake measures (addressing nutrient release from sediments). We develop and enhance tools enabling to quantify the impacts of different interventions on lake nutrient concentrations, to establish linkage with the potential environmental and socio-economic benefits.

The overarching solution we propose is global in scale, but delivered through a network of local-scale actors. For example, reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases in thousands of individual lakes directly impacts local communities and stakeholders in each case (improved lake ecosystem health), but also contributes directly to carbon cycling on the global scale (reduced emission of greenhouse gases). Individual stories of restoration success at local scale act as beacons and can be communicated regionally and internationally as a showcase for tailoring site-specific solutions. Civil society is not a passive observer in sustainable lake restoration, but rather is actively involved in developing, implementing and benefiting from its solutions. This is an important aspect of the new-generation water quality management strategy. We underline that achieving optimal, sustainable results from lake restoration relies on multidisciplinary research and close interactions between environmental, social, political, and economic sectors. In 2023, the outcomes of our paper were included in a White Paper on Embedding Lakes into the Global Sustainability Agenda to raise awareness on the benefits of sustainable lake management to the global restoration community. This White Paper was launched by the United Nations Environment Programme at the UN Water Conference, New York, 2023 and is being used to inform the implementation of a United Nations Environment Assembly Resolution 5/4 on Sustainable Lake Management (UNEP/EA.5/Res.4), reaching all UN member states. We now work through our international partnership to enable transformative change in this field. Our solution will support Target 2 of the Biodiversity Plan For Life on Earth aiming at restoring 30% of all Degraded Ecosystems by 2030.

By advocating sustainable nutrient management, we are delivering directly to the Planetary Boundaries science (Fig. 1). Lakes is the key model system to demonstrate this approach because nitrogen and phosphorus flows have already transgressed their planetary boundary, lakes are significant source of greenhouse gases emissions and regulate climate, and freshwater has highest rate of biodiversity loss. This is in line with the results of the update on the framework of the Planetary boundaries in 2023 indicating that six of nine boundaries are transgressed and pressure is increasing. Our research helps to design and implement restorative measures for lake ecosystems beyond the control of nutrients and ecological responses, thus, supporting understanding of the interplay between the boundaries. These include sustainability- and use-based benefits (e.g., net zero carbon and socio-economic gains such as food security via sustainable fertilizers), supporting international policy initiatives (e.g., the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) & Decade on Restoration; European Green Deal & Biodiversity Strategy 2030) that aim to keep the planet within its boundaries. Our research contributes to the understanding of the relationships between ecological processes and wider sustainability indicators, and better integration of circular economy approaches into freshwater management via addressing major knowledge gaps.

Figure 1. Sustainable lake restoration enables to bring the Planet back to the safe operation space. By controlling nutrient pollution to lakes effectively and with the use of environmentally friendly approaches that support nutrient recycling, reuse and recovery, we address a number of interlinked environmental problems.
 The tendency “towards sustainable lake restoration” is observed in water management actions globally, and a large number of initiatives are already emerging, although rather independently. To promote planetary boundaries science, we aim to improve collaboration between environmental, social, political, and economic sectors by establishing a united platform of sustainable lake restoration practitioners, stakeholders and scientists that integrates all current initiatives and enables monitoring and documenting the outcomes of our solutions, key research developments and lessons learned. We also plan to address essential knowledge gaps of sustainable lake restoration by, for example, establishing best practices for improving sediment P availability for crops and reducing environmental impacts; developing filters that enable to efficiently trap nutrients removed from lakes and are recyclable in agriculture; and quantifying the linkage between reduction of P concentration in lake water and decreasing GHG emissions. Addressing these gaps enables better integration of circular economy approaches into freshwater management, facilitate a wide-scale adoption of new strategies, and hopefully bring us one step closer into sustainable living within planetary boundaries.
Photo 1. Our team exploring sustainable lake restoration and delivering to the planetary boundaries science.