Wednesday 18 September 2024

Our biochar park Hiilipuisto trees monitored for 2024 and recent presentations on biochars research

 In September our work has been presented in several national events in Finland, starting with the biochar webinar of The Finnish Association of Landscape Industries (Viherympäristöliitto) on 5th of September. Priit presented there latest updates of biochar research on Finnish agricultural fields as well as on urban trees globally- but of course also the latest information from our #HiiliPuisto, CarbonPark project. As of autumn 2023,  the trees growing in biochar growing media were doing better than the ones in control. Now in this week, we visited the park again with our dream team (Dr. Anu Riikonen and visiting students from UniLaSalle, France: Philibert Henniaux and Guilhem Franque), and recorded both the circumference and height data, but also conducted assessment of general tree vigor and the inclination of them. We were amazed by the rapid growth since last year, some trees had increased the girth by about 5 cm in a single year! We'll soon plot and analyze the results and finalize the report of first five years of the tree growth. Furthermore, yesterday we were happy to present our Hiilipuisto urban test area to 35 horticulture students from Lepaa, Häme University of Applied Sciences, led by Kirsi Mäkinen. These students were also happy to try out some of the measurements on trees and asked many brilliant questions about biochar and urban tree research in general.

Another recent presentation of our (and also general general Nordic) biochar research especially in farm context was held on 12 September in Iisalmi, by Ylä-Savo Vocational College recycling economy project ( It was a nice event offering presentations and live demos on different farm-scale pyrolysis units (both batch and continuous devices by PUHI and SoilCare). We were happy on the many lively discussions and collaborations we made, among others, greenhouse gas researchers from LUKE Maaninka station and Olvi company! The presentations included also latest studies from the Nordics on use of biochar as feed supplement as well as addition to liquid manure tanks- but also on the economics of pyrolysis devices on farm scale and the latest updates from Finnish Biochar Network (part of Bioenergia ry) project on biochar classification in Finnish context. The talks will be available soon from the project website!

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