We are trying to find a sustainable solution
for closing the leaking agricultural #phosphorus (P) cycle by #recycling P-rich lake
#sediments back to the agriculture. It is globally the first study that
covers environmental aspects of recycling lake sediments to agriculture over
several years:
Excavating all the 7500 m3 of
sediment from a 1-ha shallow eutrophic Lake Mustijärv (Viljandi, Estonia) was
the starting point of this work. During the lake restoration, 6.4 Mg of P was
removed, including at least 2.4 Mg of P that was potentially bioavailable.
During a four-year field experiment on the
shore of the restored lake, various application methods were examined to use
large quantities of lake sediments for grass production with the following
treatments: the agricultural control soil (Soil) surrounding the lake, pure
sediment (Sed), #biochar treated sediment (SB), and biochar and soil mixed with sediment
(SSB). In addition to the plant growth investigation, we estimated the environmental
impacts of different sediment application methods by analyzing greenhouse gas
emissions, N and P leaching, aggregate stability, and soil biota.

From this study we learned that the
sediment-based growing media sustained grass biomass yield in the field
condition, even though yield enhancement was less obvious compared with our previous lysimeter experiment. Sediment from Lake Mustijärv was rich in
organic matter and was a good source of several essential nutrients, including
P, in plant-available form. In addition to P, the sediment had high solubility
of essential plant nutrients including sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium
(Mg), boron (B), zinc (Zn), and a fair supply of copper (Cu). Also, the
sediment continuously provided a moderate supply of N to the plants over the
four-year field experiment, which was likely due to mineralization of the
organic reserves of the sediment.
Considering the environmental impacts, the
sediment-based growing media had higher carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions yet broadly similar nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions compared with the soil surrounding the
lake. Also, applying a thick layer of excavated sediment (~2000 t ha−1) increased the risk of P and mineral N
leaching. The application of biochar increased the amount of N taken up by the
plants but did not significantly reduce emissions or leaching.
In addition, sediment-based growing media had
different bacterial and fungal community compositions compared with soil. This
could result in different mineralization pathways in soil and sediment-based
treatments. The bacterial phyla associated with solubilizing P, including
Proteobacteria and Chloroflexi, were more abundant in the sediment material
than in Soil. This is while the relative abundances of Actinobacteria and
Planctomycetes, with the potential to accumulate bioavailable P fractions, were
higher in Soil.
Further study is required to determine if the
GHG emissions and nutrient leaching from recycled lake sediment can be reduced
by using it in lower quantities, similar to organic fertilizers and soil
amendment materials. Also, the life-cycle assessment of environmental impacts
of sediment recycling of eutrophic lakes for agricultural purposes is suggested
for the future research.
This novel study was third chapter of the
doctoral thesis of Mina Kiani. Her thesis “Closing the Phosphorus Cycle by
Recycling Lake Sediments in Agriculture” is currently being prepared for
Those interested on latest research and developments in the field of recycling
phosphorus from lake sediments are most welcome to join the public defense of
her doctoral thesis this spring. The details are published soon in the website
of AgriChar research group (http://biochar-hy.blogspot.com/) but tentatively,
the public examination is planned for 21 April 2023. Save the date!
Please check the following recently published articles
for more:
Kiani, M., Zrim, J., Simojoki, A., Tammeorg, O., Penttinen, P.,
Markkanen, T., & Tammeorg, P. (2023). Recycling
eutrophic lake sediments into grass production: A four-year field
experiment on agronomical and environmental implications. Science of The Total Environment, 161881.
Kiani, M., Tammeorg, P., Niemistö, J., Simojoki, A. and Tammeorg,
O., 2020. Internal phosphorus loading in a small
shallow Lake: Response after sediment removal. Science of The Total Environment, p.138279.
Kiani, M., Raave, H., Simojoki, A., Tammeorg, O. and Tammeorg, P.,
2021. Recycling lake sediment to agriculture:
Effects on plant growth, nutrient availability, and leaching. Science of The
Total Environment, p.141984.
project was supported by AGROREE doctoral school, Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ry,
Suomen luonnonsuojelunsäätiö
Itämerirahasto, Ella ja Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, Finnish
Cultural Foundation, Niemi Foundation, Tiina and
Antti Herlin Foundation& great help of colleagues & friends including Martin
Voll, Kalle Köömnemägi, Heli Ahola, Merve Kujala,Helena Soinne, Ave
Truhanov, Miia Collander, Markku Tykkyläinen, Marjo Kilpinen, Kaj-Roger Hurme,
Sanna Peltola, and Subin Kalu.