Wednesday 19 June 2019

Biochar breaking through in Finland during 2019!

The year 2019 seems really to be THE biochar year for Finland at least!

Many landmark issues have been launched recently, perhaps one of the most important globally is the launch of Puro Carbon removal marketplace in Finland. The platform has just held third auction for CO2 removal with great success and we're really glad that biochar is one of the pathways for C sequestration, alongside with carbonated and wooden building elements.

Biochar is getting attention also from national level policymakers in Finland. New Prime Minister of Finland, Mr. Antti Rinne's government agenda promises more funds and subsidies for research and practices that focus on carbon sequestration- on p 119 also #biochar as an example listed. .

Sequestering atmospheric carbon with the help of biochar will also be the main focus of the IBI Study Tour Finland during 4-6 September 2019. Everyone is welcome to join and hear the insights of the leading experts on carbon fixing (during 4th of Sept in Helsinki) and about use of biochar in urban contexts (5 and 6 Sept in Tampere). Registration is open already, so hurry up to get the early bird price (closes on 15 July!)

And last, before everyone sets out for the Midsummer holidays here in Finland, another great event coming in October: Nordic Biochar Conference in Stockholm on 16-17 October 2019Good chance to hear about ongoing biochar initiatives in the Nordics and discuss the path forward! The deadline for abstract submission is August 21st.

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